Christian Beste,
Prof. Dr. rer nat., Dipl.-Psych.
Professor for Cognitive Neurophysiology
Beste, Christian
15.03.1981, married, no children

Academic Education
Habilitation (2nd PhD) in Cognitive Neuroscience at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (magna cum laude) (supervisors: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. cs. Güntürkün; Prof. Dr. Falkenstein)
Study of Psychology at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Diploma, M.Sc.-equivalent) (with distinction)
Academic Career
since 2021
Director of the University Neuropsychology Centre (UNC), TU Dresden
since 2020
Guest Scientist at the Shandong Normal University, Department of Psychology, PR China
since 2014
adjunct Professor at the Institute for Psychology, TU Dresden
since 2013
Professor for Cognitive Neurophysiology, TU Dresden
2012 – 2013
Head of the Emmy Noether Group “Neuronal mechanisms of action control” (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
2011 – 2012
Post-Doc in the Biopsychology Unit (Prof. Dr. Dr. h. cs. Güntürkün) Institut für Kognitive Neurowissenschaft (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
2010 – 2011
Post-Doc at the MRC Cognition and Brain Science Unit, Cambridge, UK (Prof. Dr. John Duncan, FRS) (DFG-Scholarship)
2009 – 2010
Post-Doc in the Biopsychology Unit (Prof. Dr. Dr. h. cs. Güntürkün) Institut für Kognitive Neurowissenschaft (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
2008 – 2009
Post-Doc at the Leibniz Institut für Arbeitsforschung (Prof. Dr. Falkenstein), Dortmund
2007 – 2008
Post-Doc at the Institut für Klinische Radiologie, Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster (Prof. Dr. Heindel, Prof. Dr. Dr. Pfleiderer)
2006 – 2007
PhD-student, Leibniz Institut für Arbeitsforschung (Prof. Dr. Falkenstein) and the Neurological University Clinic, Ruhr Universität Bochum (Prof. Dr. Gold)
Honors and Awards
Talent Scout for the “Alexander von Humboldt Foundation” (Period from 2025 till 2027)
“Shandong Distinguished Foreign Expert” awarded by Shandong Province Department of Science and Technology, PR China
International expert group at the Ernst Strüngmann Forum 2023 on the “Organization of frontal lobe networks and function – Localization and Interaction”.
Credibility in Neuroscience Team Award der British Neuroscience Association for the #EEGManyLabs Initiative
Receipt of a subordinated “assistant professorship (W1) for Computational Neuroscience” (with endowment) for the DZKJ by the Medical Faculty honoring outstanding scientific achievements.
Emmy Noether Awardee (by DFG)
since 2011
several papers emphasized by the “Faculty of 1000”
Young Scientist Award of the „Deutschen Gesellschaft für psychophysiologische Methodik und ihre Anwendung (DGPA)“
Scholarship in the “Vigoni-Programm” (by DAAD)
Bibliographic Metrics
Third party funding
since 2007
Several million Euros self-administrated funds (DFG, BMBF, Foundations etc.) (Details upon reasonable request).
since 2013
Mentoring for various successful proposals by young scientists in my group (ca. 1.4 Mio. Euros; DFG and EKFS Foundation).
Teaching and theses supervision
since 2013
1 Habilitation
since 2012
24 PhD theses completed
since 2013
8 MD theses completed
since 2009
more than 55 undergraduate theses (Dipl., BSc, MSc) completed
since 2009
continuous teaching (Seminars, Lectures) on various biopsychological and neuropsychological topics
Speakerships and Steering Committees
since 2024
Steering of “PLOS Mental Health: The Bigger Picture”. Platform to promote ECRs and convey mental health topics for laypeople
since 2024
since 2021
Coordinator of the “DZKJ-Academy” at the SaxoChilLD-site
Director of the University Neuropsychology Centre (UNC)
since 2020
Steering Committee for „SaxoChiLD“-site in the German Center for Child and Adolescent Health (DZKJ) funded by the BMBF
since 2019
Steering Committee in the CRC TRR 265 „ReCoDe“
since 2018
Co-Speaker of the DFG Research Unit 2698 („Cognitive Theory for Tourette Syndrome“)
Other academic engagement and positions
since 2025
Talent Scout for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Head of the appointing committee „Computational Neuroscience“ (W1-Professorship)
since 2021
Elected member of the faculty board, Medical Faculty, TU Dresden
since 2013
Permanent member of the MD doctoral committee, Medical Faculty, TU Dresden
since 2013
Member of various Professorship Appointment committees (W1, W2, W3)
Reviewing and editorial engagement
Editorial memberships
Organization of the peer-review process for several dozens of paper submissions (yearly) in the following journals:
since 2025
Section Lead at Communications Biology (“Cognitive Neuroscience”)
since 2024
NeuroImage (Associate Editor)
since 2023
Founding Section Editor “Plos Mental Health (“Cognition & Mental Health”)
since 2023
BMJ General Psychiatry (Editorial Board)
since 2022
Journal of Clinical Medicine (Editorial Board)
since 2021
Communications Biology (Editorial Board)
since 2020
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (Associate Editor)
since 2020
Frontiers in Psychology (Associate Editor)
Journal of Clinical Medicine (Guest Editor)
European Journal of Neuroscience (Guest Editor)
since 2014
Scientific Reports (Editorial Board)
Frontiers in Cognition (Guest Editor)
since 2011
Neuropsychologia (Editorial Board)
Journal of Psychophysiology (Associate Editor)
Reviewer for international journals (selection)
Reviewer of several dozens of papers per year for journals such as (selection)
- Archives of General Psychiatry;
- Biological Psychiatry;
- Brain;
- Brain, Behaviour and Immunity;
- Cerebral Cortex;
- Cognition;
- Communications Biology
- Cortex;
- Current Biology;
- eClinicalMedicine (The Lancet);
- Human Brain Mapping;
- iScience
- Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience;
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: General;
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: HPP;
- Journal of Neuroscience;
- Lancet Neurology;
- Molecular Psychiatry;
- Neurobiology of Aging;
- NeuroImage;
- NeuroImage Clinical;
- Neurology;
- Nature Communications;
- Neuropsychologia;
- Trends in Cognitive Science;
- Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews;
- Schizophrenia Bulletin;
- Science Advances;
- Scientific Data;
Reviewer for funding agencies (selection)
- Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC);
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG);
- Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD);
- European Research Council (ERC);
- Else Kröner Fresenius Stiftung (EKFS);
- Österreichischer Wissenschaftsfonds (FWF);
- Medical Research Council (MRC);
- Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC);
- Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO);
- Prinses Beatrix Fonds;
- Research Foundation Flanders (FWO);
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF);
- Welcome Trust;
Public Outreach
since 2022
“Agentur für Überschüsse” (Agentur für Überschüsse | startseite (ueberschuesse.net)); Professional outreach platform using Theatre performance, documentary films, etc. focused on education, empowerment, and communication of patients. It aims to communicate the latest neuroscience research to a broad and colorful audience.
since 2022
„Neuronauten Projekt” (Project using Gamification for psychoeducation in Multiple Scleorsis) as part of the UNC activities.
since 2013
talks and hands-on presentations at the Long Night of Science, Dresden.
Knowledge transfer
since 2025
since 2019
research projects with “Evasive Robotics” (Evasive | Multi-Robot-Technology | Germany) using neurophysiology to evaluate human-cobot interaction
reference lab for BrainProducts Inc. (EEG/ERP Solutions | Brain Products GmbH)
since 2017
cooperation with MedicalSyn Inc. (Home – MedicalSyn GmbH) in projects aiming at transferring basic cognitive neuroscience knowledge to “digital health” use-cases for diagnostics and therapies (e.g., Dual-tasking APP, Neurofeedback@Home, AI-based EEG triaging tool for children etc.).
since 2015
Operation of a “Neurofeedback outpatient unit” to transfer basic neurophysiology into improved neurofeedback treatments for various neuropsychiatric disorders.
Open Science
One of my 1st publications was open-access (OA). I am serving the Editorial boards and as section editor of OA-journals (e.g., Communications Biology, PLOS etc.) to support transformation of science into “open access”, “open data” and “open materials”. Together with colleagues from the #EEGManyLabs Initiative I was awarded the “Credibility in neuroscience team award” by the British Neuroscience Association in 2023, as a recognition of efforts directed to increase reproducibility in neuroscience.